🗞️ 🇨🇦 Quantum, Eh? Canada's quantum sector is gaining momentum as we gear up for #IYQ2025

In this issue:

  • 2025 officially declared the International Year of Quantum ️️️⚛️
  • Welcome to 10 new QIC Members & Affiliates 👋
  • Global quantum leaders unite in the Netherlands 🌐🇳🇱
  • Canadian quantum leaders take the stage at Vancouver, Toronto & Montréal events 🎤
  • QIC's members & affiliates are making waves 🌊
  • Must-read quantum news 🗞️
  • Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities 💼
  • Don't miss these upcoming quantum events 🗓️

🎉 2025 officially declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

On June 7, 2024, the United Nations officially declared 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ)! 🌐🎉

The Quantum Industry Canada community is excited to celebrate 100 years since the groundbreaking development of quantum mechanics with #IYQ2025.

Looking ahead, quantum science and technology will be an increasingly pivotal cross-cutting field of the 21st century, significantly impacting major societal challenges identified by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, such as climate change, energy, food safety and security, and clean water.

Throughout 2025, we'll be spotlighting the transformative impacts of quantum science and technology on our world, including the many leading-edge Canadian contributions to this critical field. 🌟 🇨🇦

This International Year is an opportunity for people across Canada and around the globe to come together to engage with quantum innovation and discovery.

ℹ Stay tuned for more updates and ways to engage with IYQ 2025. For the latest, be sure to watch out for your monthly edition of Quantum, Eh? 🍁

We hope you'll join us in supporting this landmark global initiative! 🌐

📛 Introducing our newest members and affiliates

We are thrilled to share that our quantum community continues to expand!

Last month we made public announcements about 10 new members and affiliates, some with roots in Waterloo Region's Quantum Valley and some from Québec’s growing quantum ecosystem.

Say hello to QIC’s newest additions:

  • DistriQ, the Quantum Innovation Zone of Sherbrookeand Quebec Quantique form a quantum innovation ecosystem accelerator headquartered in Sherbrooke and Montréal that connects and integrates collaborative initiatives among researchers, companies, facilities, and investors for the province of Québec
  • Exaion, a Montréal-based subsidiary of France’s EDF Group, supports the responsible acceleration of data processing, ensuring its security, and facilitating access and control for users
  • ​IonQ is a world leader in trapped ion quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems capable of solving the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases
  • Keysight Technologies is a market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions company with a portfolio of quantum solutions
  • Numana is a think tank for emerging technologies in Québec and is currently working to deploy and provide access to the Kirq quantum communications testbed
  • Open Quantum Design is a non-profit working to build the world's first open-source, full stack quantum computer using trapped ions
  • Phantom Photonics is developing quantum sensors with quantum coherence that will boast unmatched noise resilience
  • Qubic Technologies is a Sherbrooke-based quantum hardware startup developing the next generation of advanced microwave remote sensing systems
  • QV Studio is a global startup incubator headquartered in Sherbrooke dedicated to growing and de-risking companies working in quantum technologies

→ Read more about the organizations with roots in Waterloo Region: in English / en fra​ç​ais

→ Read more about the organizations from Québec: in English / ​en français

The QIC community now includes >60 organizations nationwide, representing a strong, unified voice for Canada's emerging quantum sector.

Together, we are unleashing Canada's quantum potential. Onwards!

🌐🇳🇱 Quantum Leaders Unite in the Netherlands: Highlights from Quantum Meets and Q-Expo

Last month, QIC's CEO Lisa Lambert and Québec Quantique's Executive Director Olivier Gagnon-Gordillo travelled to the Netherlands for the second edition of Quantum Meets, a new take on convening, which included Q-Expo, the inaugural pan-European quantum technology showcase led by QuIC, Europe's largest quantum industry association. These events focused on bringing together quantum innovators and fresh perspectives to shape a future we’re all eager to be part of.

During their visit, Lisa and Olivier along with Investissement Québec colleague Thierry Champagne caught up with leaders from Quantum Delta NL, the Netherlands' collaborative platform for accelerating quantum technology developments, to exchange approaches and insights on quantum ecosystem building.

As part of the Q-Expo program, Lisa joined colleagues from the International Council of Quantum Industry Associations (ICQIA), of which QIC is a founding member, for a special session on the importance of collaboration among like-minded nations and regions to shape the global quantum sector.

The ICQIA also convened an in-person meeting during Q-Expo to discuss topics of common interest and advance collaborative projects, particularly the development of global value chain landscapes in quantum computing and quantum-secure communication.

It was a productive trip, packed with insights and new connections, setting the stage for exciting developments in the quantum world.

Stay tuned for more updates!

🎤 ICYMI: Canadian quantum leaders take the stage in Vancouver, Toronto & Montréal

June was buzzing for Canada’s quantum innovators, who crisscrossed the country to drive the sector forward.

It all kicked off with Inside Quantum Technology: Vancouver-Pacific Rim in Vancouver, continued with Collision in Toronto, and wrapped up at QED-C's plenary in Montréal.

Congrats to all those who participated!

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim 2024: Quantum Computing, Communications and Security — Pathways to Real World Solutions featured talks and panels by QIC members including, Quantacet's Chloé Archambault, Blusson QMI's Paola Baca and Christopher Coleman, Pasqal's Raphaël de Thoury, Honeywell's Ian D'Souza, OTI Lumionics' Scott Genin, Xanadu's Rafal Janik, AbaQus' David Issac, Photonic's Paul Terry, Jessica Hodgson and Thomas Jennewein, evolutionQ's Matt Jaksic and Sarah McCarthy, QV Studio's Sarah Jenna, Numana's Jacques Mc Neill, Anyon's Anne-Laurence Phaneuf-L'Heureux, Quantropi's Michael Redding, BTQ's Nicolas Roussy Newton, D-Wave's Murray Thom, Nord Quantique's Philippe St-Jean, and QIC's Lisa Lambert.

Collision 2024 in Toronto featured stage time from Multiverse Computing's Sam Mugel and a keynote by Xanadu's Christian Weedbrook.

The QED-C Plenary meeting in Montréal was a valuable opportunity for QIC members to connect with their American counterparts and for QED-C members to get a deeper appreciation of the unique strengths of the Canadian quantum landscape. Remarks and talks from QIC members included those from SBQuantum's Camille Georges and Lilian Childress, PINQ2's Marie-Eve Boulanger, Quantacet's Martin Laforest, Québec Quantique's Olivier Gagnon-Gordillo, Ki3's Yoann Jestin, Nord Quantique's Michel Pioro-Ladriere, and QIC's Lisa Lambert. The program, shaped in partnership with Québec Quantique and Optonique, also included tours to see Anyon's MonarQ quantum computer recently installed at Calcul Québec at the École de technologie supérieure and tours of Québec's quantum, photonics, and semiconductor innovation zones, including DistriQ.

Missed these events? Continue to watch this space for an up-to-date listing on quantum happenings in Canada and abroad!

👏 QIC community achievements and highlights

Dive into the latest achievements and highlights from Canada's quantum trailblazers:

  • Blusson Quantum Matter Institute officially launched the newly completed Quantum Materials Electron Microscopy Centre (QMEMC). → Read more
  • CogniFrame Inc. has been selected among the top 3 finalists for the Golden App category of the Airbus-BQM Group Quantum Computing Challenge hosted by The Quantum Insider. → Read more
  • CMC Microsystems has received $120M from the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to lead FABrIC, a new program to spur more semiconductor startups in Canada. → Read more
  • D-Wave to deploy its second US-based Advantage™ quantum computer at the new Davidson Technologies global headquarters. → Read more
  • D-Wave hosted Qubits 2024, where the company introduced its new hybrid solver for nonlinear programs, enabling customers to confront real-world problems of growing complexity. → Read more
  • Hermes Germany has kicked off a new logistics pilot project with D-Wave and QuantumBasel to enhance its delivery operations. → Read more
  • Keysight and Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on quantum research and to drive the industrialization of quantum technologies. → Read more
  • OTI Lumionics announced a new strategic partnership with Nord Quantique to test new quantum computing applications for materials science. → Read more
  • Nord Quantique announced exciting changes to its executive leadership team → Read about here
  • Numana and Toshiba announced a strategic collaboration to enhance the Kirq quantum communication testbed in Québec → Read more
  • Pasqal achieved a key milestone: exceeding 1,000 atoms in a quantum processor. → Read more
  • Photonic's Paul Terry and Jessica Hodgson took the stage at the Communitech Breakfast on June 13 alongside the tech hub's CEO Chris Albinson for a discussion about the power of quantum technology and its impact. → Read more
  • Quantropi's CEO and Co-founder James Nguyen has won the Entrepreneur of the Year award at the CanadianSME National Business Awards 2023. Congrats James! → Read more
  • QV Studio is launching the very first National Quantum Lab2Market Discover cohort in partnership with V1 Studio, Université de Sherbrooke and Lab2Market. Applications are due by September 6. → Learn more
  • SBQuantum has collaborated with Sherbrooke's Cégep program to launch a stratospheric ballon with students to study the behaviour of quantum instruments at high altitudes → Lisez à propos du projet ici
  • SBQuantum and its CEO David Roy-Guay were featured in CIM Magazine's Names to Know for 2024. → Check out the magazine's cover and page 39
  • Zero Point Cryogenics secured a frosty $2.67M in non-dilutive funding from Prairies Economic Development Canada and the City of Edmonton's Edge Fund. → Read more

🗞️ Buzzworthy quantum headlines and resources

  • Canada signed off to join Pillar II of Horizon Europe, the world's largest research and innovation funding program involving countries around the globe, as an associate country. Canada’s increased involvement in Horizon Europe via Pillar II will enable researchers to participate in open calls on equal terms with their counterparts in EU Member States and other associated countries. → Read more
  • Xanadu CEO, Christian Weedbrook advocates for a quantum solution to an impending crisis for compute power → Read the op-ed here
  • QED-C released its latest report, QKD: Part of a Defense-In-Depth Security Strategy. → Read more
  • Infinity QD released the world's first report on quantum technologies use cases in telecom, "Quantum guide to commercial acceleration: Telecom industry." → Read more​
  • The UK's Royal Academy of Engineering released the Quantum Infrastructure Review, a study commissioned through the National Quantum Strategy by the UK government’s Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT). The Review includes six recommendations on how government could support the UK’s emerging quantum sector and increase its potential for future success. → Read the review
  • US-based Elevate Quantum received a Tech Hub Phase 2 Implementation award from the Department of Commerce, unlocking more than US$127m in new federal and state funding. → Read more
  • HSBC's Global Head of Quantum Technologies, Philip Intallura, shared strategies to secure the banking system against quantum's threat to current cryptography. → Read more
  • World revenue for the quantum sensors market is expected to surpass US$638.6M in 2024, with strong revenue growth over the next 10 years, according to Research & Markets. → Read more

👀 News to watch for: NIST is about to release the first standards for quantum-resistant algorithms very soon!

💼 Career opportunities in Canada's quantum industry

Curious about careers that don’t just follow the trends but set them?

Canada’s quantum sector is the playing field for those who dream big and innovate bigger. With a plethora of positions available at QIC's Members and Affiliates, your future career awaits on the cutting edge!

📌 From the QIC community job board:

  • 01 Communique is looking engineers, as well as sales and marketing professionals
  • Anyon Systems is seeking an analog and mixed-signal engineer, and a quantum nanofabrication engineer
  • BTQ has open roles in engineering, research, product management, and Web3 development
  • CANARIE is hiring for a cybersecurity analyst, policy analyst, director of finance, and more.
  • CMC Microsystems has an opening for a Legal Contracts Specialist
  • Crypto4A invites interested individuals to contact their recruitment team
  • D-Wave has open roles for an experimental physicist, a software developer and an electronics engineer
  • InfoSec Global has open roles in cybersecurity and cryptography engineering and sales
  • Ki3 is always looking to have conversations with interested candidates
  • Nanoacademic Technologies is seeking a Devops Developer/Software Developer
  • OTI Lumionics is hiring an Analytical Chemist and Financial Controller
  • OZ Optics has several open roles in all areas of its business
  • Pasqal has an open roles Sherbrooke for a QPU performance scientist
  • Photonic has open roles relating to quantum processors, hardware engineering, program management, integrated photonics, marketing & communications, and operations
  • Q-Block Computing is looking for an Experimental AO Physicist and a UI Designer & Programmer
  • Quantum Valley Ideas Lab is hiring an Electrical Engineer, a Software Engineer, and a number of postdocs
  • softwareQ is looking for a quantum software engineer, a quantum algorithms and/or quantum error correction (fault-tolerance) researcher, and an intern (co-op)
  • Solid State AI is always accepting CVs
  • Xanadu has open roles in quantum computing education, finance & operations, hardware, and software & algorithms
  • Zero Point Cryogenics is looking for a Cryogenics Expert / R&D Scientist

🔦 Career Spotlight: Quantum Horizons Alberta is currently searching for two Directors to lead programs out of the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. Check out the positions here:

📅 Quantum-related events in Canada (and beyond)

Quantum Industry Canada

Read more from Quantum Industry Canada

In this issue: Quantum-safe encryption standards have arrived 🔐 Canadian business leaders explore the quantum frontier at landmark roundtable 💬 QIC's members & affiliates are making waves 🌊 Must-read quantum news 🗞️ Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities 💼 Don't miss these upcoming quantum events 🗓️ 🔐 Quantum-safe encryption standards have arrived This week, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) unveiled groundbreaking cryptography standards designed to withstand the...

Quantum, Eh? brought to you by Quantum Industry Canada (QIC). Your compass to navigating Canada’s quantum technology scene.

In this issue: Welcome aboard! Alberta quantum innovators join QIC 👋 The QIC community takes the stage at Waterloo's Quantum Connections 🎤 QIC's take on reforming the most significant innovation policy tool in Canada 📝 Unboxing Quantum virtual panel talk 📦 Members & Affiliates making waves 👏 Must-read quantum news 🗞️ Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities 💼 Don't miss these upcoming quantum events 🗓️ 👋 Warm welcome to three Alberta-based quantum innovators We’re thrilled to roll out the...

La version française suit. Dear QIC Community, Today marks World Quantum Day, a day to acknowledge and celebrate quantum science and technology around the world and the trailblazers advancing it. It’s a day to celebrate … well, YOU! As we reflect on the significant technological advancements made through quantum mechanics over the past decades, and more importantly, on those that lie just on the horizon, we are immensely grateful to be on this journey together. Canada emerged as a pioneer in...