πŸ—žοΈ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Quantum, Eh? Zoom's quantum leap, welcoming Albertan innovators, making quantum connections, and more!

In this issue:

  • Welcome aboard! Alberta quantum innovators join QIC πŸ‘‹
  • The QIC community takes the stage at Waterloo's Quantum Connections 🎀
  • QIC's take on reforming the most significant innovation policy tool in Canada πŸ“
  • Unboxing Quantum virtual panel talk πŸ“¦
  • Members & Affiliates making waves πŸ‘
  • Must-read quantum news πŸ—žοΈ
  • Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities πŸ’Ό
  • Don't miss these upcoming quantum events πŸ—“οΈ

πŸ‘‹ Warm welcome to three Alberta-based quantum innovators

We’re thrilled to roll out the welcome mat for three Alberta-based additions to our QIC community:

  • ​Alberta CREATE Centre is based in Edmonton and provides open-access resource facilities ranging from nano technology, engineering makerspace, and cloud infrastructure via the nanoFAB, the Elko Garage, and the ISAIC.
  • ​Quantum Silicon Inc (QSi) is an Edmonton-headquartered company working to develop devices that harness proprietary single-atom silicon quantum dots to create high-speed quantum-enabled accelerators that are orders of magnitude faster and more energy efficient than their transistor-based equivalents.
  • ​Qubo Consulting Corp. is a Calgary-headquartered quantum training and consulting company helping businesses, non-profits, and government organizations make informed decisions about emerging disruptive technology by training business leaders and the future quantum workforce on quantum tech and its implications for various industries.

​Read the full story here.

🎀 QIC Members takes the stage at Quantum Connections in Waterloo

In early May, Canada' quantum community gathered at the original Quantum Valley in Waterloo, Ontario for the Institute for Quantum Computing's second annual Quantum Connections conference.

It was a full sweep with QIC Members and Affiliates lighting up every discussion panel, tackling hot topics from research security to industry trends. Well done to representatives from ACET, Anyon Systems, Ki3 Photonics, Nord Quantique, Quantacet, QIC, Quantum Valley Ideas Lab, Qubo Consulting, Xanadu, yiyaniQ, and others for their stellar insights.

Thanks to IQC for hosting a great event!

β†’ Check out a recap of the Quantum Connections conference.​

πŸ“ Weighing in on Canada's Biggest Innovation Policy Tool

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives program is arguably the most significant innovation policy tool in Canada, distributing approximately $4B annually to 15,000-22,000 businesses.

The Government of Canada recently concluded two phases of phases of consultations on the SR&ED review and on the creation of a patent box regime.

As the quantum sector stands on the brink of transforming industries across the board, its deep-rooted reliance on R&D makes policies like SR&ED and patent box regimes not just beneficial but essential. These tools act as vital catalysts, powering a sector that is inherently intensive in research and development and rich with intangible assets.

In response to these consultations, Quantum Industry Canada (QIC) has actively participated and submitted detailed recommendations. Dive into our submissions to see how we're advocating for the future of quantum in Canada:

β†’ Phase One Submission ​

β†’ Phase Two Submission​

Special thanks to the QIC Members who volunteered their time and expertise to participate in QIC's first Working Group and craft this submission: Kyung Soo Choi (Q-Block Computing), Camille Georges (SBQuantum), Gordon Harling (CMC Microsystems), Sam Mugel (Multiverse Computing), Jordan Smith (Quantized Technologies Inc), and Nick Werstiuk (Quantum Valley Ideas Lab). Also thanks to Alexandra Daoud (Anyon Systems) for providing feedback on recommendations relating to IP.​

πŸ“¦Unboxing Quantum: virtual panel hosted by Blusson QMI​​

Join the Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (QMI) for a virtual panel that will bring together quantum industry experts and thought leaders to discuss Canada’s rapidly evolving quantum computing landscape, including QMI's Chris Coleman and Lukas Chrostowski, QIC's Lisa Lambert, and The Quantum Insider's Alex Challens.

With a special focus on pathways to fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government, this panel aims to explore the critical role that universities and research institutes play in fostering adoption, ushering in new technology, and training the quantum workforce as we emerge from the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era and into the early stages of fault tolerance.

πŸ—“οΈ Wednesday, June 19 10:00-11:00 a.m. PST. πŸ—“οΈ

β†’ Register today!​

πŸ‘ QIC community achievements and highlights

Dive into the latest achievements and highlights from Canada's quantum trailblazers:

  • Agnostiq announced Function Serve, Covalent’s new inference service that makes it extremely simple to productionalize any AI/LLM or accelerated compute application with only a few additional lines of Python. β†’ Read more​
  • Anyon Systems' MonarQ quantum computer is on the move! The team has started the "teardown" of MonarQ at Anyon's headquarters. During the next couple of weeks, MonarQ will be delivered and reassembled at Calcul QuΓ©bec's facility at Γ‰cole de technologie supΓ©rieure, ready to crunch some serious quantum calculations. β†’ Check it out​
  • Bita Quantum AI announced their first 12-hour bootcamp on practical quantum computing and telecommunication β†’ Details here​​
  • Blusson Quantum Matter Institute has launched their LinkedIn newsletter, Material Intelligence β†’ Subscribe here​​
  • CMC Microsystems published a new report exploring activities of researchers in Canadian post-secondaries institutions by describing academic designs that have progressed to fabrication. β†’ Read the full report​
  • Crypto4A partnered with Hydro QuΓ©bec, universities, and other quantum industry partners toward a Transformative Smart Grid Project. β†’ Read more​​
  • D-Wave announced the release of their new Fast Anneal feature, extending quantum computing performance gains β†’ Read more​​
  • evolutionQ announced a new partnership with the Bank for International Settlements Toronto Innovation Hub β†’ Read more​
  • evolutionQ unveiled MultimodalKES, a new cryptography protocol offering increased protection against classical and quantum cyber threats. β†’ Read more​​​
  • InfoSec Global's AgileSecβ„’ Analytics now integrates with Microsoft Copilot for Security. β†’ Read more​
  • InfoSec Global has also partnered with 1touch.io, a pioneer in Contextual AI data intelligence, to strengthen enterprise data security and compliance. β†’ Read more​
  • ISARA, Infosec Global, and Crypto4A were all featured on panels at NIST's 5th PQC Standardization Conference in April
  • Multiverse Computing received Spain's National SME of the Year Award in the innovation and digitalization category and the Innovation Zero Mature Solution in Industry Award for its Singularity product
  • Nanoacademic Technologies released not only an updated version of the RESCU+ and NanoDCAL+ build system, but a completely new one. β†’ Read more​​
  • Nord Quantique and SBQuantum met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Members of Parliament to discuss Canada’s role within the field of quantum technologies on an international scale, as well as the economic development in the Estrie region. β†’ Read more here and here​
  • PASQAL partners with Welling to address neutral atom computing challenges. β†’ Read more​​
  • Phantom Photonics was featured in Velocity Incubator's Up Start Spotlight, highlighting how the company is developing a new kind of LiDAR that is powered by quantum technology. β†’ Read more​
  • Zurich Instruments provides Quantum Computing System to Photonic Inc. β†’ Read more​
  • Photonic's Chief Quantum Officer, Stephanie Simmons, was named in Maclean's Magazine's 2024 Power List: Tech β†’ See the full list​​
  • Paul Terry, CEO at Photonic, and Alex Condello, Senior Director of Algorithms, Performance, and Tools at D-Wave, were featured on a keynote panel on quantum computing moderated by QIC CEO Lisa Lambert at INNOVATEwest, the largest tech conference to be hosted in Vancouver, Canada in years. β†’ Read more​​
  • Quantized Technologies Inc. has been selected for the second cohort of QAI Ventures accelerators program. β†’ Read more​
  • Quantropi and Reticulate Micro Inc. announced an exclusive partnership to jointly market their firms' video encoding and quantum security technologies to the defense and encoding markets. β†’ Read more​​
  • Quantropi has been nominated for one of Canada's Best Private Board awards by MondouxRollins Partners
  • QIC's CEO, Lisa Lambert was featured in a recent Research Money Q&A on unlocking Canada's quantum potential β†’ Read the conversation ​​
  • Xanadu released PennyLane v.0.36 and Catalyst v.0.6 β†’ Details here​
  • Xanadu's 2024 Residency Program β€” a prestigious internship where students from all over the world come to the Xanadu HQ in Toronto to spend 4 months doing cutting-edge R&D in quantum computing β€” is under way. β†’ Go behind the scenes​
  • AlΓ‘n Aspuru-Guzik, Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science, University of Toronto, and Scientific Advisor and Co-founder of Zapata AI, was interviewed at NVIDIA's Live from GTC series. β†’ Watch here​​
  • Zero Point Cryogenics delivered Model L dilution refrigerator to the University of Waterloo's Institute for Quantum Computing, is among the recipients of Edmonton's new EdgeFund, AND was one of six companies across three Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) streams to be selected to participate in the recent CDL Max.

πŸ—žοΈ Buzzworthy quantum headlines and resources

πŸ—οΈ Zooming in on quantum-safe cryptography: Securing our digital future today

  • Zoom goes quantum-safe: Zoom (the videoconferencing platform) just hit a major milestone! It's now the first UCaaS provider to roll out post-quantum end-to-end encryption for video conferencing. What does this mean for your next virtual meeting? Top-notch security that's ready for the quantum era. Get ready to Zoom into the future, safely! β†’ Read more
  • Believe it or not, much of the digital encryption we rely on today dates back to the 1970s β€” a lot has changed since disco ruled the charts. As we step into the quantum age, why is it crucial to upgrade our cryptography, and why the rush? Dive into this enlightening video from the World Knowledge Forum to find out why we need to accelerate our security strategies.
  • NIST hosted the 5th PQC Standardization Conference in April to discuss various aspects of the algorithms and to gain feedback for informing decisions on standardization. Check out some of the video recaps and reports presented​
    • White House Advisor Says NIST To Release Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms In Coming Weeks β†’ Read more​


🌐 Resources, plans, & announcements from quantum innovators and organizations around the world

  • 🍁 The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) published its new strategic plan for 2024-2029. Digital and quantum technologies is one of of the four intersecting research and innovation priorities. β†’ Read more​
  • 🍁 Policy updates released by Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) focus on quantum technology's role in making Canada safe. β†’ Read more​
  • 🍁 Canadian quantum physicist Chris Ferrie is making his new book available as a free download. β†’ Read What You Shouldn't Know About Quantum Computers​
  • McKinsey released its third annual Quantum Technology Monitor β†’ Download or listen to the report here​
  • The Office of the New South Wales Chief Scientist & Engineer in Australia released the Quantum Algorithms and Applications report, which includes QIC Member BTQ. β†’ Read more​
  • The Australian government announced $940M in support of PsiQuantum and $18.4M for a new national quantum industry growth centre​
  • The European Commission has published a call encouraging Member States to develop a coordinated strategy for the adoption of post-quantum cryptography. β†’ Read more​
  • Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research has published a Quantum Technologies Conceptual Framework Programme. β†’ Read more​
  • ETSI has released a draft of β€œA Repeatable Framework for Quantum-Safe Migrations” at the start of the 10th ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference. This document outlines an iterative, divide-and-conquer approach for planning and executing quantum-safe migrations. β†’ Read and provide your comments here​
  • A Quantum'Manhattan Project' could be around the corner in Chicago


πŸ’­ Plus more quantum think pieces, articles & podcasts from QIC's community of Members and Affiliates:

  • BTQ's The Quantum State Podcast dropped a new episode: The Quantum Threat to Blockchain β†’ Listen here​
  • Crypto4A'a CEO Bruno Couillard was featured on the Root Causes podcast and offered an update on the US government's migration to post-quantum cryptography (PQC), challenges with migration, and more. β†’ Listen here​
  • D-Wave's Murray Thom wrote this blog for Medium reflecting on the Global Quantum Symposium 2024
  • ​Six ground-breaking industries quantum computing is projected to revolutionize according to Forbes' Technology Council, which includes D-Wave CEO, Alan Baratz
  • D-Wave and QIC were featured on stage at the World Quantum Symposium hosted by QuantumBasel in Switzerland last month. β†’ Check out a video recap of the Symposium and here are some reflections from Murray Thom, VP of Quantum Technology Evangelism at D-Wave
  • Inside Quantum Technology News published a guest column by Scott Genin of OTI Lumionics on "How Quantum Computing is Transforming our Everyday Technologies"
  • Photonics Founder and Chief Quantum Officer Stephanie Simmons was interviewed on the Amadeus and Friends podcast. β†’ Listen here​
  • Is QuΓ©bec Canada's quantum province? Martin Laforest, Managing Partner at Quantacet talks quantum technology on the BetaKit podcast. β†’ Listen here​
  • Xanadu's CEO and Founder, Christian Weedbrook was featured in TechTo's Founders Journey podcast and the Betakit podcast. β†’ Listen here and here​

πŸ’Ό Career opportunities in Canada's quantum industry

Curious about careers that don’t just follow the trends but set them?

Canada’s quantum industry is the playing field for those who dream big and innovate bigger. With a plethora of positions available at QIC's Members and Affiliates, your future career awaits on the cutting edge!

  • ​01 Communique is looking engineers, as well as sales and marketing professionals
  • ​Anyon Systems is seeking two frontend developers
  • ​BTQ has open roles in engineering, research, product management, and Web3 development
  • ​CANARIE is hiring for a cybersecurity analyst, policy analyst, director of finance, and more.
  • ​CMC Microsystems has an opening for a Legal Contracts Specialist
  • ​Crypto4A invites interested individuals to contact their recruitment team
  • ​D-Wave has open roles in business services, R&D, and sales & marketing, and admin
  • ​InfoSec Global has open roles in cybersecurity and cryptography engineering and sales
  • ​Ki3 is always looking to have conversations with interested candidates
  • ​Multiverse Computing is seeking two engineers and a business development manager for their Canadian office
  • ​Nanoacademic Technologies is seeking a Devops Developer/Software Developer
  • ​Nord Quantique is hiring for a microwave engineer
  • ​OTI Lumionics is hiring an Analytical Chemist andFinancial Controller
  • ​OZ Optics has nearly 50 open roles in all areas of its business
  • ​Pasqal has open roles in Sherbrooke, QC for engineers and an Accountant
  • ​Photonic has open roles relating to quantum processors, hardware engineering, program management, integrated photonics, marketing & communications, and operations
  • ​Q-Block Computing is looking for an Experimental AO Physicist and a UI Designer & Programmer
  • ​Quantum Valley Ideas Lab is hiring an Electrical Engineer, a Software Engineer, and a number of postdocs
  • ​softwareQ is looking for a quantum software engineer, a quantum algorithms and/or quantum error correction (fault-tolerance) researcher, and an intern (co-op)
  • ​Solid State AI is always accepting CVs
  • ​Xanadu has open roles in quantum computing education, finance & operations, hardware, and software & algorithms
  • ​Zero Point Cryogenics is looking for a Cryogenics Expert / R&D Scientist

πŸ“… Quantum-related events in Canada (and beyond)

And this virtual event supported by QIC members Xanadu and Pasqal that encourages people to make contributions to the open source quantum ecosystem:

  • ​UnitaryHACK is a virtual event running from May 29-Jun 12

Also, an event not on Canadian soil, but hosted by QIC founding member D-Wave:

Quantum Industry Canada

Read more from Quantum Industry Canada

In this issue: Quantum-safe encryption standards have arrived πŸ” Canadian business leaders explore the quantum frontier at landmark roundtable πŸ’¬ QIC's members & affiliates are making waves 🌊 Must-read quantum news πŸ—žοΈ Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities πŸ’Ό Don't miss these upcoming quantum events πŸ—“οΈ πŸ” Quantum-safe encryption standards have arrived This week, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) unveiled groundbreaking cryptography standards designed to withstand the...

In this issue: 2025 officially declared the International Year of Quantum οΈοΈοΈβš›οΈ Welcome to 10 new QIC Members & Affiliates πŸ‘‹ Global quantum leaders unite in the Netherlands πŸŒπŸ‡³πŸ‡± Canadian quantum leaders take the stage at Vancouver, Toronto & MontrΓ©al events 🎀 QIC's members & affiliates are making waves 🌊 Must-read quantum news πŸ—žοΈ Hot jobs: New quantum careers opportunities πŸ’Ό Don't miss these upcoming quantum events πŸ—“οΈ πŸŽ‰ 2025 officially declared the International Year of Quantum Science and...

La version franΓ§aise suit. Dear QIC Community, Today marks World Quantum Day, a day to acknowledge and celebrate quantum science and technology around the world and the trailblazers advancing it. It’s a day to celebrate … well, YOU! As we reflect on the significant technological advancements made through quantum mechanics over the past decades, and more importantly, on those that lie just on the horizon, we are immensely grateful to be on this journey together. Canada emerged as a pioneer in...